AEDC Small Business Development Center
Since 1974, the Anacostia Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) has staffed the operations of the AEDC/Small Business Development Center (AEDC/SBDC). The primary goal of the AEDC/SBDC is to provide a wide range and variety of technical assistance services to small and local businesses located in, or wishing to locate in, the District of Columbia. Throughout its existence, the AEDC/SBDC has provided business counseling, sponsored training events and disseminated information to both start-up ventures and existing small businesses in support of providing growth opportunities to the small business community.
In 2001, the AEDC/SBDC became a “Host Institution” of the Washington DC-Small Business Development Center Network (DCSBDC Network). The DCSBDC Network, administered by the Howard University, School of Business and supported in part by the U.S. Small Business Administration is an affiliate of 63 such networks nationally with the mission of supporting the growth of small and local businesses across America. The DCSBDC Network is dedicated to promoting the growth, profitability, innovation and increased productivity of small business owners and operators in the District of Columbia. The AEDC/SBDC supports opportunities for small business success through excellence in the delivery of business support services. Other opportunities include the maintenance of strategic alliances with government agencies, and other noteworthy organizations involved in the fields of entrepreneurship and small business development. Each year hundreds of small business owners, operators and managers receive free business counseling, training and support through the AEDC/SBDC and the DCSBDC Network.
The Anacostia Economic Development Corporation's Small Business Development Center (AEDC/SBDC) through its affiliation with the DCSBDC Network provides free management, technical assistance and affordable training in all phases of business development to District of Columbia residents and small businesses interested in starting, growing, or expanding a small business in support of economic development in the District of Columbia.
Our certified, trained and skilled business consultants provide results-oriented and confidential one-on-one management assistance in a myriad of areas, at no cost to the client.
Business Consulting Services include, but are not limited to:
Business Start-up Information
Start-up Feasibility Analysis
Business Plan Development
Business Structuring
Understanding Industry Market
Market Research
Marketing Strategic Planning
Financial Forecasting
Federal and Local Government Certification
Loan Packaging
Procurement Assistance
Overall Business Assessment
International Business Development
Confidential business management consulting offered by the Anacostia Economic Development Corporation's Small Business Development Center is available at no cost to District of Columbia based businesses and residents interested in starting, growing or expanding a small business in the District of Columbia.
Business Assistance include:
How to Start a Business
The Business Planning Process
Marketing Your Business
Website Development using WIX
Managing Your Service and Retail Business
Financing Your Business
Accounting and Record Keeping
Cash Management
Federal and Local Government Certification
Strategic Planning
Small Business & Entrepreneurship Development
International Trade
Confidential business consulting services are provided on a pre-scheduled appointment basis. To schedule an appointment with an AEDC professional business consultant, please contact the AEDC office, Small Business Director - Thomas Turner, email: Thomas@aedc.net . One of our business consultants will respond within one business day to discuss the assistance you need.
The AEDC Small Business Development Center is a business consulting and training center of the District of Columbia Small Business Development Center Network and is funded with the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), Capital One.
AEDC Small Business Center services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Language assistance services are available for individuals with limited English proficiency.