Building The Community Beyond Brick and Mortar

CLICK HERE to view our
Event Photos
Proceeds are used to provide college tuition scholorships to deserving seniors of Ballou S.T.A.Y. and the Academies at Anacostia Senior High Schools.
The financial struggles of students and their parents to continue higher education have become increasingly difficult.
We need you to continue to support this worthwhile cause and foster the education of our youth!
Board of Directors:
Diane Fleming - Chairperson
Cindy Athey - Vice Chairperson
Damiya Dorsey
Adriane Lowrie
Rick Muse, Jr.
T’Chaka Sapp
Donna Morrow
Pamela Stuart, Esq.

Thank You All for Your Generous Support
The Dixon Golf Winning Raffle Ticket is
Contact us at with a picture
of your ticket to claim your prize
If no one claims by September 29,
we will draw another winning number
Congratulations to our Contest Winners
1st Place Score (50) - MCN Build
Michael Rooney, Brian Abel, Taylor Powell, Mark Demoura
2nd Place Score (54) - Sherwin Williams
David Harris, Garrett McGuire, Ben Cleveland, Tin Sichak
Closest to the Pin Men
James Neveleff (Lanigan, Ryan, Malcolm & Doyle) 51"
Closest to the Pin Women
None winner recorded
Longest Drive Men
Bill Rausch (Turner)
Longest Drive Women
Samantha Hesketh (Grunley)
Our 2021 Tournament Sponsors as of 9/16/21

All Videos
See our 2019 Annual Champagne Brunch featured on
WUSA9 News by our Community Trailblazer Honoree,
Delia Goncalves